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Hun Ming Kwang
Artist, Creative Director
Masks of Singapore Book with Fujifilm
The link between mental health struggles and living a life true to ourselves is often invisible and difficult to see, and the root causes of mental health struggles we experience are often intangible. For six months in 2021, local communities in Singapore participated in a mental health and art movement, known as Masks of Singapore, where they went through a 3-hour introspective self-awareness mask-making workshop, exploring the major four questions of life - "Who am I", "Where do I come from", "What matters to me", "What is my purpose", and expressed these truest aspirations, dreams, and values onto a physical mask. Right after, they were invited to put it on to embody their most authentic version of themselves. 572 photographed portraits of these Singaporeans tell the story of past struggles, present circumstances, and future aspirations of a life that truly matters to them. Underneath the facades you put on, what are your deeper vulnerabilities? Outside your job title, who are you? Without society's definition of success, what is it that truly matters to you?
Masks of Singapore has also set the record for the Largest Display of Mosaic Handmade Masks in the Singapore Book of Records, putting mental wellness in the public spotlight.
The Masks of Singapore book is supported by Fujifilm.
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